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Vintage Jewelry Set Polka Dot – Necklace And Earrings - Black/White

For Sale! Our old price: € 39,90
Price € 19,90
Price including VAT
Plus shipping cost

Vintage Jewelry Set Polka Dot – Necklace And Earrings - Black/White

A truly enchanting jewelry set consisting of a pair of earrings and a necklace with matching pendant.
The fine dots were set in gilded frames and crowned with small bows in white.
The delicate gold-plated link chain and has a length of 55cm.

  • Fashion Jewelry
  • The stone of the earrings measures 19mm, the trailer 25mm



Lieferzeit nach Österrreich: 1 Tag

Lieferzeit nach Deutschland: 1-3 Tage

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